
God and Humans


Helmut Kohl


John Dishwasher

That is a valid definition for a lot of people, but an atheist can argue there does not necessarily have to be a god for there to be love. What I'm trying to do in the essay is find a definition (or maybe "formulation" is a better word) that both the believer and non-believer can accept.


People have a hard time understanding the distinction between God being or having love. Because of this there is increased confusion between love and lust.


The christians call theyre god love but i think that they might all lust after a hope. but its all cool because the lust i have is for a perfect world. I lust after that hope. Even knowing it will never be, (unless we are all wiped from the face of the earth) i still lust over that hope. Everyday i concern myself with this more and more knowing i can do nothing about it but wait to die i still hope.

Is that humanism?

Am i the only one faithfully putting all hope and desire in life that one day our world will exist without us, peacefully?

I was told that my piece of peace of mind was psychotic. I thought they were the psychotic ones. Living life to make more children not even knowing why theyre supposed to. Its a horrible way to live but everyone seems to get by with theyre peace of mind.

John Dishwasher

Many people find their peace of mind in children. That's kind of easy to do because a lot of kids really have that peace of mind. And they've got love, too. A lot of people work toward that perfect world you think about so much because of their kids.


But then money comes into play and it ruins that vision of the blessed little kids and theyre simplicity, ive had some of the most ensightful conversations with my little 4 year old sister, but people want theyre children to have money and work for that i'll admit its changing but people think about a dollar bill before they're planet(not cool), i want to change to change that but it takes a lot more than me.

I'd like to hear more about the peace of mind in a diffrent format if you have time to do a longer essay i'd love to read it.

John Dishwasher

Money ruins everything.

An endgame?
Clashing perspectives over culture and humans
Heroin, Ra, and the essay's limitations
"Your agenda:" A thoughtful Christian rebuts
"Too simplistic:" A thoughtful Buddhist rebuts

A three-cornered circle
The emptiness within us
Lucifer's children
On ducks and timespace
The underlying fabric
Origins of religion
Pretzels, pantheism and beer
The color blue and non-definitions
Worried about the world
Busting Roscoe
Random God definitions
Koan and Conclusion

Forum Introduction
God and Humans (the original essay)